徽标LOGO是任何业务的基本要素。这是品牌或公司形象中最重要的部分。每个运动设计师刚开始职业生涯时,都曾被要求制作徽标LOGO动画。知道如何为徽标制作动画是掌握运动图形基础并让您开始使用After Effects动画的一个很好的起点。
Logo is an essential element of any business. It’s the most important part of a brand or an image of a company. Every single motion designer, when they first get started with their career, has been asked to animate a logo before. Knowing how to animate logos is a great starting point to grasp the fundamentals of motion graphics and get you up and running with After Effects animation.
尽管这是一门入门课程,但在本课程中我们需要涉及很多内容,因此,对Adobe套件中的设计工具的基本了解将使本课程更容易上手。 本课程适用于希望从事运动设计,在图形设计和插图中添加动画的任何人,或者想对其业务或个人徽标感兴趣的人。无论如何,本课程适合您。